„With Kai Angermann on percussion and Insa Schirmer and Donja Djember on cello, there is an uncompromising peculiarity to the trio’s sound. And yet while such a combination is unusual to come across, the fragile beauty is undeniable. Angermann’s breathy, subtle drumming adds a refined texture to the recordings, and works as a perfect backbone as the dueling cellos soar and plummet overhead. Far from a mere collection of exercises, ‚Insomnie Joyeuse‘ moves us through the three musicians‘ passions; from haunted cinematics, through heart-wrenching melancholia to chiming explorations into shimmering gamelan-inspired magnificence. Needless to say, fans of classic Rune Grammofon, ECM and of course Hauschka should investigate immediately – Insa Donja Kai have struck upon a sound that is not to be ignored under any circumstances.“